Wednesday, March 18, 2015

DIY Overshirt thing

So Rebecca came over Friday night and we went on a little adventure but before that we went back to her house so she could change.  She came out with this really pretty cover thing and I just couldn't help it so I convinced my mom to let us make this thing so we rode our bikes to pick out some fabric so we could just come and go.  (Mom really like fast) later that night we went and go the fabric and string and started it!  We wanted to share this really cute idea with you! 

Items Needed: 1 1/2 yards of knitted fabric sewing machine scissors thread (matching) 
                Time Requirement: 1 1/2 hours to 1day
                Skill Level: Hard
                Step-by-Step Instructions: 
  1.  Get your knitted fabric from you local fabric store
  2. Use your pattern to cut out your fabric
  3. Pin your fabric and your pattern down so it will be easy to cut out your fabric it is best if you fold it in half so you don't have to cut all around the circle
  4. Un pin your fabric and pattern and cut out you arm holes
  5. The fabric will frey so make a 
  6. Sew it together so it looks nice
  7. Wear it! Show it off!
Just a few shots from our final products!

 Love you hair Rebecca!

Hope you guys liked it! 


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